01 February 2019


This may be your first reaction upon getting to this post: OH MY WORD WHY ARE YOU EVEN WRITING ABOUT BLOBFISH WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO

Let's talk about that.

So a few nights ago, I wasn't sleeping very well. I don't know about you, but when this happens to me, my mind tends to wander into strange places. In this case, my brain started wondering about blobfish.

I don't know why. It's not like I'm fascinated by blobfish, or even know that much about them. (although, thanks to this middle of the night musing, I know a LOT more than I did.) I think they're weird for sure, but kind of in the way that you think your fourth cousin two times removed is weird. You just don't think about them that much, or at all.

So blobfish. Here is what I learned at 2:30 in the morning:

1. They only look like blobfish when they've been decompressed. This means that they're usually super deep-water fish and their shape holds up down in the ocean trenches. The only way they look like grumpy little old men is when they've been brought up out of the deep and then turn into blobs. They actually look quite normal when they're in their natural habitat. Huh. 

Here's an artist's rendering of what they really look like:

Photo: Wikipedia
2. Blobfish look like sad, bald old men when they've decompressed.

Photo: Twitter
3. There is an actual market for blobfish merchandise. I started wondering if you could get blobfish purses, and the answer is YES OF COURSE YOU CAN.

Because why not?

Photo: Google Image Search

You're welcome.

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!