13 February 2019

A thing that happened...

So a thing happened today that made me stop and think about stuff. I've been really sick and miserable, and just not wanting to do literally anything. I went for three DAYS without reading and if you know me well, you KNOW that's like rock bottom for me. I've had a hard time really getting back into the swing of things, though I've been trying hard. I still don't feel great, but I'm making progress.

Anyway, I was walking down the hallway to the teacher lunch room (I KNOW, people always say to avoid that room like the plague, but you guys. I NEED tall talk after a morning of boogers, bodily functions, drama, tattling, and everything else that goes along with little ones), and I passed a group of first graders. One of them walked past my classroom every day last year, and wouldn't pass without giving me and the other fourth grade teachers a giant hug. Now, this gal is pocket-sized, and just the cutest thing, so her giant hugs are absolutely adorable. Anyway. She gives me her giant hug on my way down to lunch and is all happy. One of her classmates gets into a faceoff with her, puts his hands on his hips and demands to know if I'm her aunt or something. He wants to know why she's always hugging me.

This girl. Oh, this girl!! She puts her hands right back on her hips, faces off with Mr. Snarky, and says in a very loud first grade tiny person voice, "NO, SHE IS TOTALLY ONE OF MY BFFs." And then turned around, got back in line, and went on her merry way. She was not having it. Not even a little. She stood up, made it known that her action was a-okay, and that she was not to be questioned.

This girl is going places, people.

As for me, it made me stop and think. What's really important? I had this dream last night that there was a fire and I lost every single thing I own, and was left completely destitute. It was upsetting. I was kind of out of sorts over it all morning, and then Little Miss M happened, and I realized that I'm the BFF of a pocket-sized first grader, and all is suddenly right in my world.

If you don't have a first grade BFF, I feel sorry for you.

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