10 March 2019

Overwhelmed...and some books you should read.

So...remember that one time when I was going to gather all my things into one place and write about them? And how I wasn't going to give up?

Yeah. I sort of gave up for awhile.

The thing is, I've been SO OVERWHELMED lately. It kind of feels like I don't know which way is up, and that's not something I love experiencing. I'm a very organized, task-oriented, driven kind of person, and I haven't been, like AT ALL. I started the year out so strong, with a bullet journal and everything. I peeked in it today, and I figure I left half of February out, and so far, all of March. I'm working on remedying that though. I'm getting it caught up today, even though that's a pretty overwhelming task itself.

I think this winter is really getting to me. Once it became clear that it was pretty much endless snow and no chance of a snow day, I was like, "NOPE." And I was done. I also think I probably have a bit of SAD, and this winter has pretty well confirmed that. I'm usually very good at prioritizing and getting things done, but man have I let things slide lately. I haven't really felt like I could talk about it much, because everyone has their own issues. But it's built up and I'm drowning in it. I needed to get it out somehow, even if it was through my written words and not spoken.

I mean, I'm okay and everything, I just haven't been nearly as focused as I usually am. Plus, the other day on my way home from work I heard this and I was just undone because these last months have been LONELY. I ugly cried, people. Right there in my car with every other driver wondering if they needed to call someone. It's like, "Thank you, life, for kicking me while I was already down." Actually, I've felt like life was kicking me while I was down for the last month or so. Winter has GOT to go.

Without going into the whole story (and yes, there is a story, and no, I'm not going to go into details right now, because it's still pretty raw for me even after months), it just really hit me that I have some regrets where a previous relationship is concerned. I got scared. I ran. I tried to make things better. He wasn't having it. (I don't blame him in ANY WAY, FYI, it was all me. Totally all me.) I know he's not reading this, but I just had to get it out. People, if you're in a relationship and it's good, don't pull an Ems. Don't get scared because it's going well. Let it flow and then just go with it. Don't be like me. Don't have regrets. I hate regrets.

Okay, on to what y'all wanted in the first place: book recs. Here are three that I've finished lately and LOVED.

1. Healing Hearts, by Sarah M. Eden

"Wyoming Territory, 1876

As the only doctor in the frontier town of Savage Wells, Gideon MacNamara knows his prospects for a bride are limited. The womenfolk in town are either too young, too old, or already spoken for. So, being a practical man, he decides to take advantage of the matchmaking service of the day—mail-order brides—and sends away for a woman with nursing experience.

When Miriam steps off the stagecoach in Savage Wells, she sees a bright future in front of her. But when the town—and Gideon—meets her, ready for a wedding, her excitement quickly turns to horror. Somehow Dr. MacNamara's message had gotten turned around. He didn’t want a nurse, he wanted a wife. When she refuses to marry him, she finds herself stranded in Savage Wells with some very unhappy townspeople.
But Gideon is not like the other men Miriam has met. Embarrassed by the misunderstanding, he offers her a job, and the two begin an awkward—and often humorous—dance of getting to know each other as they work to care for the people of their town. Romance blossoms between the two, but when a former medical associate of Miriam’s arrives in town, Gideon and the other townsfolk must rally around Miriam to protect her from a dangerous fate. Gideon and Miriam must decide if they are willing to risk their hearts for each other even as buried secrets are brought to light." (Goodreads)

What I liked about it: okay, everything. I just love Sarah M. Eden's work, no matter what it is. She's an autobuy author for me because she's just SO GOOD. I loved the characters, loved the setting (Wyoming? Really?! Yeah, I didn't know I like Wyoming books either.), loved how it all played out. I loved that Miriam was strong in the face of her challenges, and that Gideon was a gentleman through and through. Nothing about this was easy, and yet it all worked out (that's not a spoiler...this is a clean romance novel. If you think things aren't going to work out, I suggest another genre). It was just a really beautiful story that I needed.

2. Caught by Surprise, by Jen Turano

"After years of hiding her true nature, Miss Temperance Flowerdew is finally enjoying freedom outside of the shadow of her relations, so the last thing she expected on her way to work was to be grabbed off the street by a stranger and put on a train bound for Chicago.

When Mr. Gilbert Cavendish is called upon to rescue a missing woman, he follows the trail to Chicago only to discover that the woman is his good friend, Temperance. Before they can discover who was behind her abduction, they're spotted alone together by a New York society matron, putting their reputations at risk.

Even though Gilbert is willing to propose marriage, Temperance is determined not to lose her newfound independence. But when the misunderstanding in Chicago escalates into a threat on her life, accepting Gilbert's help in solving the mystery may lead to more than she ever could have dreamed." (Goodreads)

What I liked: Okay, again, everything. I ADORE Jen Turano! Her books are whimsical, quirky, and full of people that I really want to be lifelong friends with. They're so full of life and fun and everything that I wish I was. I've been cheering for Temperance since the beginning of this series - it's about time she got her due! And I loved Gilbert. He was just the right amount of ornery (I love that in a hero, honestly), but still so incredibly sweet and romantic. Again, just what I needed.

3. Flights of Fancy, by Jen Turano

"Miss Isadora Delafield may be an heiress, but her life is far from carefree. When her mother begins pressuring her to marry an elderly and uncouth duke, she escapes from the high society world she's always known and finds herself to be an unlikely candidate for a housekeeper position in rural Pennsylvania.

Mr. Ian MacKenzie is known for his savvy business sense and has built his reputation and fortune completely on his own merits. But when his adopted parents are in need of a new housekeeper and Isadora is thrown into his path, he's unexpectedly charmed by her unconventional manner.

Neither Isadora nor Ian expected to find the other so intriguing, but when mysterious incidents on the farm and the truth of Isadora's secret threaten those they love, they'll have to set aside everything they thought they wanted for a chance at happy-ever-after." (Goodreads)

What I liked: see above. All of it. Ms. Turano just really has a way with words. I liked them all. I really want to be BFFs with Izzy, and I REALLY need to meet a guy like Ian. If you happen to know anyone...

I can't promise that I'm going to be all gung-ho again, but I'm going to be BETTER. The renewed sunshine really helps, as does an increasing sense of peace that things are going to be okay. It's just going to take some time, and a whole lot more sunshine.

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