19 March 2019


Ah, motivation. I sometimes wonder why that's even a word, because I seem to not really know what it means.


That's got to change though, because I'm learning that lack of motivation is REALLY unhealthy. I've been so stressed out and tired (read: exhausted) for SO LONG that I've lost all my motivation for pretty much anything. Sadly, that included regular exercise. I think the last time I took care of myself with any regularity was 6 years ago. SIX. YEARS.

That's a long time to be cruel to yourself.

No more.


I'm taking back control, and looking for my motivation. Right now, that's in the form of my teacher bestie, Nikki. We decided that we were going to do this together and do it right. Both of us are the kind of people that when we get home, we are HOME. None of this go out and do other things junk. Nope, we're homebodies. So we chose to work out after school, in my classroom. We both really like Zumba, so that's what we're doing. (Coincidentally, it's also literally the only form of exercise that I've ever actually loved, and that's ever actually worked.) We just bring workout clothes, change in the bathroom, and then work out. So far, we're two for two, even though we BOTH tried to come up with an excuse to not have to do it today. But we persevered! We did it! I'm really proud of us, because this is kind of a milestone.

It helps me so much to have a buddy for things like this. A buddy to actually work out with, and a buddy to help me stay motivated to do the workouts. I can't wait to see where this takes us! (I'm guessing it's going to be into my skinny clothes box that's been sitting in my closet for the last 6 years...bring on those clothes!!)

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