22 April 2024

Book Review: How to Be French by Janine Marsh

Being French is a dream of mine. Not necessarily *actually* French like in giving up my American citizenship, but French in the way I look, act, etc. There's just something about the French that I deeply admire and I want that for me too. I saw How to Be French on Amazon one day, and I knew this was the book for me. I've read plenty of books on being French, but this one was the best I've read. I loved it!

Here's a synopsis from Goodreads: "Delve into the are of loving and living in every moment.

What does it mean to be French?

Is it pausing to enjoy a glass of good wine or a spread of cheese? Being a flâneur down laneways steeped in history? Knowing just how to dress so you always look effortlessly chic?

This book is a celebration of the French lifestyle - an education in drinking to savor the moment, travelling indulgently, and cherishing food and culture. A lesson in the joy of taking things slowly. We may not all live in France, but anyone can learn how to be un petit plus français with this guide by Janine Marsh."

Honestly, that is so much what I want me to be, minus the drinking. I have felt freer to be myself when

Photo Credit: Goodreads

I'm in France than I do at home. Here, there's so much pressure to fit a mold, to look and act the same way as others. I can't do that. I will never look the way I'm supposed to and I will never be what I'm supposed to (mind you, this is "supposed to" as in what is expected culturally, not my own views). I really needed a guidebook in how to be authentically me. In my case, that looks like being French. Also, I realize how ironic that sounds - not fitting into one mold, but trying to fit in another. I accept the weirdness.

One thing I really love about the French way is the idea of being effortless. Life really isn't that complicated over there. I know, because I have actually lived there, as opposed to being solely a tourist (which I have also done and loved). Normal people seem effortless and real. There are expectations there (no going to Wal-Mart in your pajamas), but they're not insurmountable. 

I think what I love most about the French way is the desire to live life and enjoy it. I am guilty of getting caught up in the details, and stressing out over things that maybe I don't need to be stressed about. The French way is taking time to savor the things around you, whether it's food or an experience. I want that in my life.

Janine Marsh has done a fantastic job of setting out the French way in a manner that is accessible for the most part. Too bad we can't take 2+ hour lunches here. Can't have it all. I'd highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to be more authentic, and not just those wanting to live a French lifestyle. Use the tips and tricks to be your best self no matter where you are. That's what I'm trying to do.

5 stars for this lovely book!

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