01 April 2024

Coming Back after the Flu

Man, last week was ROUGH. I tested positive for influenza and missed the entire week of work, which I haven't done since I had my hysterectomy 2 1/2 years ago. I was so so so so so sick. I didn't even do much reading, which tells you how bad it was! 

Coming back though, was so sweet. Not only because I was going crazy at home, but because my kids were so excited to see me again. I had so many hugs today! It was really nice after a week of zero contact. One thing that really stuck out to me was that several of my kids said they were so happy to have me back because people do what they're supposed to do when I'm there, and that they KNOW what the expectations are with me. There aren't any surprises for them. That's one thing I'm pretty good at - consistency. Kids need it! They crave it, even if it's hard to put it into words.

Being there with the kids is my favorite part of teaching. They're why I stay. It would be easier (much easier) to go a different direction and get into a profession with more respect, better pay, and everything I need to succeed. Public education gets a really bad rap, and sure, in some cases it's deserved. But MOST of us are giving our very best to help these kids succeed. I wish more people would come in and SEE for themselves, instead of listening to talking heads who don't actually know what they're talking about. I wish people would stop trying to gaslight educators into thinking that the way we're treated and paid is appropriate, because IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN. You know who else is in it for the children? Pediatricians. Show me a doctor who gets treated, disrespected, vilified, and paid like a teacher and I'll shut up.

For now, I'll keep doing what I do best: meet kids where they are and help them push harder and reach higher than they thought they could.

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