28 May 2024

Ten on Tuesday #5

I've been thinking about what I could do for a top ten post today. I decided to go with the ten things I enjoy doing the most, in no particular order.

1. Reading. I love to read! I've been leaning towards ebooks lately, just because they're so easy, but I'm trying to get more hard copy reading in. I have so many books that I own that I haven't read yet, so I need to get going. I've been pretty consumed by other things the last couple of years, so I've fallen behind. I read every day, but not nearly like I used to. My goal is to change that and get back into the habit of reading more.

2. Watching nature documentaries. I adore the BBC! David Attenborough is my most favorite narrator ever, and I'll watch his documentaries over and over and over. I love learning about the natural world and what I can do to help preserve it. Nature is so fascinating, and while I don't want to spend all my time out in it, I love to learn about it. I guess I'm an armchair enthusiast.

3. Decorating. I really love doing home decor. My style has evolved into a French country look (surprise, surprise), and I find it so enjoyable to find new pieces. I like to find things that look vintage. I'm an old soul at heart, so I like an older look. I like candles, clocks, lamps, and flowers. I love lace and I even like ruffles. That's a huge departure for me, as I actively avoided anything with ruffles as I was growing up. Tastes change. I'm looking at moving into a new apartment (ground floor, because my poor joints aren't doing very well with the third floor) this year, and I can't wait to decorate it. Also, as a side note, I'm trying to get into a 3 bedroom place so that I can spread out a bit more. I love my apartment, but it does feel a little cramped because of all the books. My furniture feels cramped too, so it'll be nice to have more space. And I'll have an actual guest room!

4. Crafting. Now, I'm not a "crafty" person in the well-known sense of the word. I don't do toll painting (remember that?), scrapbooking, or stuff like that. I do needlework and sewing, and I do enjoy paint by number. I love to cross stitch and I have several projects lined up to do. I'd like to learn more embroidery and maybe even needle point. I really like to sew, and I've just purchased a new sewing machine. Mine is over 20 years old, and I've used it a lot. I use it every year to sew Idaho pillows for my students. The one I've purchased is a better machine, with more stitch options. I'm really excited to get it and start using it. Once I get moved in to my new apartment, my guest bedroom will also serve as my sewing room. I've wanted a dedicated sewing room for years, where I could have my sewing machine and supplies out and visible. I tend to forget I have things unless they're visible. I'll get a bed in the guest room, but then use the closet to put a sewing table in and have my machine set up. The third room will still be my office/library.

5. Organizing. Is it weird that I really like to organize things? I have spreadsheets for just about everything and I like to color code them. I like to have things in their place and know exactly where to find things that I need. I like to organize my bookshelves by genre and author, and my DVDs are organized by genre. My classroom is organized into sections based on what goes together, and my classroom library is organized by genre.

6. Cooking. This is weird, considering my eating disorder. But notice, I didn't say EATING. I still have issues with that. I do love cooking though. I love the smells of delicious things and I love plating dishes to look lovely. I enjoy the process quite a lot. I'm working hard on developing a healthy relationship with food, so I may actually start to enjoy eating one of these days!

7. Bubble baths. There's nothing more relaxing than a nice, hot bubble bath with a good book. I don't indulge in this hobby nearly often enough. I'm usually in too much of a hurry for anything more than a shower. That's something I'm working on too - slowing down to enjoy life rather than just live it.

8. Gardening. I currently have a wee flower garden on my balcony, and I love it. I love looking at my plants and wondering what they'll look like when they bloom. I love watching for the first peek of seedlings as they break through the ground. When my parents were on their mission and I was living in their house, I had a vegetable garden too. I planted WAY more than I needed for me, but I loved caring for that garden. I was out in it every day, weeding, hoeing, harvesting... It was amazing, and I long for the time when I own a home and can have a vegetable garden.

9. Canning. My mom taught me how to can when I was a teenager, and I've enjoyed it ever since. I love looking at the rows of beautifully preserved fruits and vegetables. I love knowing that my hard work paid off. I love feeling productive and I love opening a jar of food that I canned myself. I haven't done much canning over the last few years, but it's a hobby I mean to get back into. It probably won't happen this year, as I'm moving a classroom AND an apartment (hopefully an apartment). Moving bottled food is a pain in the behind, but next summer, when I'm settled in both places, I intend to fill my shelves again!

10. Traveling. I LOVE traveling! For someone with anxiety, that sounds a little strange. Getting into new places with people I don't know? That should be terrifying! I actually find that empowering instead. When I'm traveling, I don't feel the pressure to be a certain way. I can just be me and enjoy what I'm doing. Last year's trip to Europe was so refreshing and joyous. I loved every minute of it, even when I was beyond exhausted. I am planning to go back as soon as possible.

My goal this summer is to get into the habit of indulging in one of my hobbies each day, and not just the nature documentaries. I would like to do something creative every day, and I would like to continue that through the school year as well. I've been working hard to create balance in my life and take time to just be ME. I feel like as I get into the habit of doing that, my mental and physical health will improve, and I will be able to enjoy life rather than just living it.

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