13 July 2024

Deadlines and roadblocks

 The last couple of months have been full of deadlines and roadblocks. I'm in my last term of grad school (for the second time - I know I'm insane for doing this twice) and I've hit so many brick walls. I had one class that had to be moved over to this term from the last, because I wasn't able to finish it in the term. So instead of only having my capstone projects to do, I had that class (and its 3 projects) in addition. I've been dealing with health issues for such a long time, and last fall, it all kind of came to a head. I just wasn't well and I was getting nowhere with doctors. (On the positive side, I finally saw a doctor who listened, believed, and got me in to someone who could help.) Grad school had to take a back seat.

I got the carryover class finished up, thankfully, and got started on my capstone. It's the compilation of research that I've conducted and an analysis of the data. I was doing really well! Then I hit yet another wall. In addition to the Axial Spondyloarthritis, I tested positive and have symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. My doctor said I'm Stage 3, meaning that I've started developing nodules in the joints where my fingers attach to my palms. It's pretty gross, so definitely don't google. I did and I regret it. Damage is permanent, but progression can be slowed.

Over the last few weeks, I've been jumping through hoops and have spent HOURS on the phone with insurance, pharmaceutical companies, and doctors. I finally got everything done and approved, so I'm able to continue treatment. It means twice monthly injections, but the needle is so tiny that I can't even feel it. And, since I've been on samples from the doctor for the last month and a half, I think I'm starting to notice a difference. The nodules in my hands have actually shrunk a little. I'm hopeful that I can make it into remission, which would mean a much lower level of chronic pain. It's a future that I honestly hadn't considered, so I'm excited that it's even a possibility.

Anyway, all that to say that I've been so overwhelmed between health and grad school that I've neglected to do anything here. I know it seems to be a pattern, and honestly? It is. I'll do really well for a bit and then fall off. So really, this is just an update and a disclaimer that I'm definitely likely to drop off again. Such is life.

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